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Are you looking for a definitive answer to how long it takes for your business website to rank on Google? Read this blog post to learn about the timeline of SEO and what you can do to speed up the process. 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important aspects when it comes to improving your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). It takes effort, dedication, and patience in order to rank well on SERPs. But a common question many people have when they’re just starting out is “How long does it take before I start seeing results?”  

Answering this question is difficult because any number of variables can affect the timeline, such as competition, website age, domain authority, and search engine algorithms. There are also added considerations like content relevancy based on user intent and keyword difficulty. Therefore, there's no definite answer since each situation will be different. 

However, in general terms if you have built out a good SEO foundation there are some key milestones that you should expect from an SEO campaign over time; from forming an SEO strategy plan all the way through increasing website visibility on SERP listings.  

Initially when creating your SEO strategy plan, setting up relevant user accounts with popular search engines like Google My Business or Bing Places for Business should be done first– this will help improve your online presence as well as being able to make sure that accurate contact information is available throughout these search engines. This process usually takes around two weeks depending upon how quickly each account can be verified by each individual provider (Google or Bing).  The next following would be establishing good quality backlinks through link-building campaigns which would also take place during this initial stage – though the exact duration will depend upon the effectiveness of link-building activity executed during this phase (two months minimum).   

Optimizing content typically falls under two categories – On-site optimization and Offsite optimization which would begin immediately after setting foundations & link building activities have been completed. On-site content optimization focuses more heavily on optimizing existing webpages while off-site content optimization involves creating new pages both outside & inside other websites linking back to yours (e.g.: guest blogging opportunities or getting your services/products review published through third-party sources like magazines etc.). 

This phase can take anywhere between 1 month or more depending upon the amount & quality of offsite activities created by leading someone compared against their competitors. Last but not least indexing these changes often happens at a much faster rate due to efficient crawling techniques employed by updated version spiders employed by major search engines allows them to undertake complete analysis within a few days and update their algorithm accordingly as required - which also helps grow organic ranking significantly quicker than traditional methods adopted before ~2016 period onwards!    


ranking higher in competitive keywords requires effort combined with strategic planning plus patience over an extended period of time - an average of three months until we start seeing consistent improvements but please note that timelines may vary given the complexity associated with the industry involved + respective region customers focus towards product/services. Furthermore having the right partner who has experience delivering successful outcomes previously using the same methodologies helps achieve desired outcomes sooner rather.

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